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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines



  1. The author has never published the same article in the MATETES Journal and or is not sending the article in another journal.
  1. All articles submitted to the MATETES Journal must follow the rules and regulations according to the writing guidelines contained in the journal template. The article was written using Memorium font 12 pt 1 space. Specifically, abstracts are written using Memorium 11 pt 1 space.
  1. Text is typed in the print area with a margin of 2.5 cm from the top, 3 cm from the bottom and left of the paper. The right margin is made of 2 cm. A4 paper size, 8.27 inches wide, 11.69 inches high. Layout: 0.5-inch header, 0.5-inch footer. The text doesn't need to be page numbered.
  1. All article layout in one colom.
  1. Including a list of references, articles can be written as many as 10 to 20 pages with a maximum distance of 1 space.
  1. The article follows the structure as follows:
  • Title
  • Writer's name , Institution , Email Address 
  • Abstract , Keywords
  • Introduction
  • Methods
  • Discussion 
  • Conclusion
  • Acknowledgment (if any)
  • References
  1. Title written in capital letters using the font Memorium 18 pt Bold and place the center of the manuscript. Maximum of 15 (fifteen) words.
  1. The author's name is written without a title using the font Memorium size 12 pt Bold. Follow in the second line, the name of the institution or affiliation from which the author originated (home base). The third line includes the e-mail address (see script template). All placed in the center of the manuscript. If there is more than one author, the second author's identity placed under the first author. And so on. The maximum number of authors is four people.
  1. The author must include abstracts in the text and be written in two languages, namely Indonesian and English, accompanied by 3 to 5 keywords (keywords). The Indonesian version of the abstract is written using standard Indonesian following the general Indonesian spelling guidelines as outlined in PUEBI rules. The English version of the abstract is written using English in the form of past tense, descriptive, and following academic scope. The abstract describes the entire paper in one paragraph that contains the problem, objectives, methods, and analysis, results, and findings (findings). The maximum number is 200 words in Indonesian. Specifically, articles written in English do not need to include abstracts in Indonesian. The abstract is written one space according to the scriptwriting guidelines contained in the journal template. 
  1. The introduction includes the background, the problem to be discussed, the legitimacy of the previous research (previous work) and ends with the research objectives.
  1. The method describes the workings, research procedures, and analysis steps in completing and/or making research papers. The method must contain in detail the workings of the writer.
  1. Discussion is an analysis involving theory, state of art, data, and the author's thoughts. Written in a logical, clear, and systematic way of thinking. Don't worry and get to the point. In the discussion, the authors discuss the findings to answer the research objectives.
  1. Each citation in the text must include a clear reference source (web, DOI, etc) and follow the MATETES Journal style guidelines namely Turabian 8. Must work on the manuscript with the Mendeley application for reference purposes.
  1. Not recommended to use direct quotations in the paper.
  1. The image is in JPEG format and inserted in the text box. The caption is written at the bottom of the image with a number. For example, Figure 1. (followed by the caption). If the description of the image is long, then it can be written in the second line with a space of 1 space. Its position is center). Images must be clear and must be reviewed in the discussion section or discussion in the paragraphs before and after the picture.
  1. Tables are presented in a tabular format that does not exceed the manuscript page limit. The description of the table is like the description of the picture (point number 15) but its position is at the top of the table. The table alignment must eliminate horizontal lines and display horizontal lines.
  1. Conclusions are conclusions and personal conclusions of the author about his research. Compiled with reference to the research objectives. Not allowed to use bullet points and presented in paragraphs. Conclusions must contain findings or findings.
  1. The acknowledgment section (Acknowledgment) only if deemed necessary, especially regarding research funded by the institution and those who assist the research.
  1. The list of references is automatic when the author uses MENDELEY reference management software. The list in the reference is only the reference referred to in the paper. Not allowed to add references without referring.



As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration.
  1. Journal MATETES publish papers written in Indonesian (as well as English).
  1. Each article must be submitted in accordance with the MATETES Journal Journal template in the Document File format (doc or Docx), following the writing guidelines and using Mendeley for referral management. Failure to follow the guidelines will result in the manuscript being rejected.
  1. Artikel yang diterbitkan pada konferensi perlu diubah setidaknya 35% perbedaan dari teks asli dan melewati pemeriksaan berdampingan oleh editor. Naskah asli seminar harus disertakan dalam pengajuan sebagai file tambahan.
  1. Setiap naskah disertai dengan pernyataan pengalihan hak cipta dan orisinalitas (dapat diunduh di sini).
  1. Semua naskah akan diperiksa kecocokan template dan plagiarisme oleh editor. Jika memenuhi persyaratan teknis dan sesuai dengan ruang lingkup, artikel akan diteruskan ke reviewer untuk proses double-blind review.
  2. Jika tersedia, URL untuk referensi telah disediakan.


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Plagiarism Check

Setiap naskah yang dikirimkan akan diperiksa kemiripannya (similarity check) dengan menggunakan software dari Turnitin. Batas toleransi kemiripan yang diijinkan adalah maksimal 25%. Naskah yang melebihi batas 2O% kemiripan akan dikembalikan. Pelaksanaan similarity check dilakukan setelah naskah yang dikirim dinyatakan sesuai dengan Focus & Scope Jurnal MATETES.